Course builder

Where creativity

meets the speed

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Your gains with
  • Create courses fast

    Pre-built templates and simple drag-and-drop editing get you started quickly without staring at a blank page.

  • Level up engagement

    Interactive elements like quizzes, sliders, hotspots, or custom CSS interactions keep learners engaged and enhance knowledge retention.

  • Build smarter, not harder

    Familiar text editing tools and media settings make it easy to get started and focus on what really matters: your content.

Course creator suite

WYSIWYG editing

Preview your course on various screen sizes as you build it. Create easily & quickly with our drag-and-drop interface. No surprises when publishing.

Easy start with pre-built templates

Over 100 templates, organized into categories, help creators overcome the cold-start challenge. With community support, these templates are constantly evolving and provide inspiration to other users.

20+ Interactive templates

Engage learners with our ready-to-use interactive templates (e.g., accordion, hotspots, cards, etc.), or showcase your CSS skills with a custom Embed Code template.

Create endless variations by combining these templates or designing your own in our no-code editor.

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Knowledge check

Leverage pre-built quiz templates to test your learners’ knowledge or keep them engaged. Customize feedback or even build scenarios based on their answers.

Editing essentials

Clear course outline

Build your course outline by adding and organizing Content and Quiz Pages into Chapters. Use as many layers of nesting as needed. Take advantage of multi-section selection and easily rearrange with drag-and-drop.

Rearrange content effortlessly

Select multiple content blocks and drag them to another part of the section, or copy the selected blocks to a different section. It sounds simple, but it saves time and effort.

Rich-Text Settings

Format your text just like you would in any text editor, and more: add hyperlinks, adjust alignment, change case, or apply pre-set text styles from your branding.

and even more...

Annotations in Rich-text

Add annotations to explain specific terminology, allowing learners to access instant explanations in a pop-up tooltip without disrupting the flow of the content.

Code in Rich-text

Convert your text into code snippets to showcase clean syntax examples without the need for separate code blocks. Further customize them using rich-text options.

Ready to create courses your learners will love?

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