
Go global with

your content

Start the trial
Your gains with
  • AI translation

    Create a translated version of your course by simply selecting the target language, and you’ll receive a duplicate of the translated course with a single click.

  • Streamline translations

    Translate both the content and labels of your course by exporting and importing XLIFF or CSV files.

  • Polish your translation with human touch

    Let your localization team or native-speaking SMEs to collaborate with you on last-mile polishing of the translated course. No back-and-forth – just customize the access accordingly.

Translation & Localization

Effortless AI Translation

Choose from over 200 languages and instantly create a new version of your course in the language of your choice. A copy of your project will be generated with the same name and a new language code, making it easier than ever to expand your reach.

Content and labels in one XLIFF

Export both course content and labels as a single XLIFF (CSV) file, get it translated, and import it back. No more hassle with two separate files—avoid unnecessary complexity.

Interface labels localization

Localize your courses into popular languages like English, Spanish, French, and more. Just switch languages in settings to customize the learner experience for different audiences.

This applies to system text like tooltips, not the content you create in the editor.

Ready to break

language barriers?

Book a demo