No-code editor

Rise above the ordinary

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Your gains with
  • Unleash your creativity

    Tired of your courses looking the same or being limited by off-the-shelf templates? With Parta, you can finally unleash your creativity and enjoy the freedom of design.

  • Powered by a no-code editor

    Our intuitive grid system empowers anyone on your team, regardless of coding experience, to start building custom templates right away.

  • Compounded interactivity

    Create a richer and more engaging learning experience by combining interactive elements. Imagine your accordion hiding tabs with hotspots inside. All without writing a single line of code.

Advanced design settings

Advanced custom layouts

Build unique templates with any layout imaginable. Add as many columns as you need and fill them with different elements. Want a video background for a quiz? You got it!

Experiments with interactive elements

Combine interactive elements in unique ways—imagine tabs revealing an accordion with flip cards inside. The possibilities are endless.

Advanced settings for elements

Customize the size, alignment, padding, and visual appearance of each element. Experiment with proportions and optimize for different screen sizes.

Save & Reuse Layouts

Love a layout? Save it as a template for future courses! Share templates with your team to streamline the design process and let them focus on content.

Learn more

Multi-Device Optimization automatically optimizes your course layout for different screen sizes (desktop, tablet, mobile). However, you can still fine-tune how specific blocks appear on each device, such as replacing complex interactions designed for desktop with lighter ones for mobile.

Ready to Empower Your Team’s Design Potential?

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